so this weekend was way to crazy friday was the return of monsta and lai and shea buttahs graduation party i wish i took pictures but couldn't for the fact i dont remember that night hah but after waking up on a beanbag with my head on the tv stand we woke up got some pho and went to see the outskirts.
start of the teepee
knoxs looking back at the teepee and holding the last piece to the creation
our union city teepee

so the most weird thing we saw at the outskirts was this guy who looked at use thinking we were weird for building a teepee and well the only things i could think and say to him in my head was why are you looking at us so weird when your riding a bike with a helmet long sleeves a backpack and a thong hahahaha i think everyone was laughin for a good 2 hours haha for the record knoxs was the one who saw him and pointed him out
the lost boys
the outskirts

curtis sitting down still hung over
knoxs and big jhonny looking at the view of the bay
dom rolling his way back to the car

for some reason the whole time i felt like the lost boys or lord of the flies because we were the only ones to be seen there and the biker and well you would too if you were there
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