lamb has to be my favorite this is a herb spice rack of lamb also go to
Costco to get your lamb pretty cheap
-1 rack of lamb
-1/2 c. finely chopped parsley
-1 clove garlic, minced
-1/2 c. finely chopped tarragon
-1/2 c. finely chopped rosemary
-2 tbsp. dijon mustard
-2 tbsp. olive oil
-1 tsp salt
- freshly ground pepper to taste
first apply the salt and pepper and olive oil on the lamb then sear it on the grill for about 3 mins on each side. then after move it to a less hotter spot on the grill and cook for 15 to 20 mins on each side depending on how well done you want your lamb. you can use a meat thermometer, for rare meat 120 internal head and 150 internal for medium. after a few minutes before you take the lamb off put on the dijon mustard on both sides then coat the whole lamb with the herbs and garlic then cook for another 7 min. BON APPITTE!
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