Tuesday, March 31, 2009

lamb has to be my favorite this is a herb spice rack of lamb also go to
Costco to get your lamb pretty cheap
-1 rack of lamb
-1/2 c. finely chopped parsley
-1 clove garlic, minced
-1/2 c. finely chopped tarragon
-1/2 c. finely chopped rosemary
-2 tbsp. dijon mustard
-2 tbsp. olive oil
-1 tsp salt
- freshly ground pepper to taste
first apply the salt and pepper and olive oil on the lamb then sear it on the grill for about 3 mins on each side. then after move it to a less hotter spot on the grill and cook for 15 to 20 mins on each side depending on how well done you want your lamb. you can use a meat thermometer, for rare meat 120 internal head and 150 internal for medium. after a few minutes before you take the lamb off put on the dijon mustard on both sides then coat the whole lamb with the herbs and garlic then cook for another 7 min. BON APPITTE!
Monday, March 30, 2009
my rockabilly friends are throwing this car show with pinups and bands come join the fun

the bands that are playing:
jack rabbit slims
delta bombers
texas steve and the git gone trio
royal dueces
charlie roman and the teenage warewolves
1/4 mile combo
hi rythym hustlers
hubba hubba review
this is a all day event come join the 50s greasers and the pinup queens of today
Saturday, March 28, 2009
when its hot i want nothing but a crispy fish taco.
serving: 8
-1 cup of all purpose flour(use this to dip in the panko and eggs flour helps eggs stick together)
-peanut oil, for frying
-2 cups of panko bread crumbs you can by this all at asian markets
-koser salt and freshly ground black pepper
-2 pounds halibut,snapper, or any firm white fish i usually use mahi mahi
-8 corn tortillas
-1/2 head napa cabbage (shredded)
-lime wedges for garnish
-regular tomato salsa for topping
pink chili mayo:
-1 1/2 cups mayonnaise
-1 1/2 cup sour cream
-2 canned chipotle peppers or adobo sauce i usually use chipotle peppers
-juice 1/2 lime
-kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper for taste
fish taco directions:
first set your pot of peanut oil to 375 degree F. also put 1/3 of oil in the pot. while the oil is heating grab the bread crumbs and place then in a shallow dish. break the eggs into another shallow dish, put flour in a shallow dish aswell. season all with salt pepper , beat the eggs with 2 tbl of water. cut the fish into 1-inch wide strips. dip them into the flour pat it down then into the eggs then to breadcrumbs. set aside to let them set for 10 mins to 13 mins. cook fish a few pieces at a time untile golden brown and cooked through. they take about 3 to 5 mins then drain with a paper towel or a cooling rake if you have one.
to make the tacos heat the dry cast iron skillet over medium heat warn a corn tortilla in the pan until softens about 25 to 30 sec. place chili mayo on bottum then fish, shredded cabbage and salsa. also if you have celantro thats great with it aswell then at the end squeeze some lime juice and roll and devour!!! BON APPETIT!!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
conrado justin barba a great person, great friend, and a great soccer player he was a all around good guy. i will always remember our soccer days bro rest in peace and may you look down on all of us. never be forgotten.
so im a big italian type of guy and love this dish simple,welcoming,hearty,flavorful etc. i learned this dish while being a line cook at Ches Panisse awsome restaurant if you ever have a date place to be all seasonal foods organic food is great and the whole place is beautiful price is pretty up there tho so ballin on a budget is one thing you cant be haha ps this dish takes 2 hours trust me the flavors make love together its....perfect...aha
serveing 8 - 10
-2 medium onions diced
-4 celery stalks diced
-5 garlic cloves diced
-1/4 cup extra vergin olive oil
-2 pounds ground beef (or 1lb veal and 1lb pork) i prefer half and half
-3 oz. pancetta or slab bacon finely diced
-1 small can tomato paste
-1 cup milk
-1 cup white wine
-1 28.oz can crushed tomatoes
-1 tsp fresh thyme leaves
-kosher salt fresh ground pepper
-2 boxes of pasta penne (try useing fresh pappardelle ask me and ill tell you how to make it)
-parmigiano-reggiano for grating
-parsely just for garnish
place onions, celery, carrots, and garlic in a food processor or blender pulse all for a few times until its kinda a paste but you can still see clumps
in an 8-quart heavy-bottomed pot, heat the olive oil over medium heat. then add the chopped veges and sweat them over medium heat(keep on medium dont go over) until they are translucent and soft but not brown at all shold take 10 mins
add the beef and pancetta and stir into the vegies then cook over high heat stir together to keep meat from sticking until browned
add the tomato paste,milk,wine,crush tomatoes,thyme, salt and pepper, and then this is the tricky part let it simmer over medium low heat for 2 hours also season with more and more salt and pepper to taste then remove from the heat
cook the pasta then first put pasta in a bowl add alittle bolognese then toss and add
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
brown sugar ribs:
-3-4 pounds of pork ribs
-2 cups brown sugar
-1/2 cup kosher salt
-1/4 cup paprika
-1/4 cup chili powder
-2 tsp. cumin
-2 tbls. garlic and onion powder
-1 tbls. black pepper
-1 tsp. basil powder
-2 tsp. orgeno powder
-1 tsp. thyme
-1/2 cup mustard
-1/2 cup olive oil
so first off put the oil and mustart and message the pork with it then add all the ingredients in a bowl then pour over the meat back and front then wrap in aluminum foil and let it set for over night or 3 hours lets the flavors make love with each other then after set your oven to 325 degrees. Then after all that take the ribs out the fridge and place on a sheet pan and cook for 2 hours. after let it set on the table let the flavors cool off for atleast 35 mins before cutting and enjoying!!! bon appetit!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
so this weekend was way to crazy friday was the return of monsta and lai and shea buttahs graduation party i wish i took pictures but couldn't for the fact i dont remember that night hah but after waking up on a beanbag with my head on the tv stand we woke up got some pho and went to see the outskirts.
start of the teepee
knoxs looking back at the teepee and holding the last piece to the creation
our union city teepee

so the most weird thing we saw at the outskirts was this guy who looked at use thinking we were weird for building a teepee and well the only things i could think and say to him in my head was why are you looking at us so weird when your riding a bike with a helmet long sleeves a backpack and a thong hahahaha i think everyone was laughin for a good 2 hours haha for the record knoxs was the one who saw him and pointed him out
the lost boys
the outskirts

curtis sitting down still hung over
knoxs and big jhonny looking at the view of the bay
dom rolling his way back to the car

for some reason the whole time i felt like the lost boys or lord of the flies because we were the only ones to be seen there and the biker and well you would too if you were there
Friday, March 6, 2009
sunday at 1pm my rockabilly friends are throwing a scarlett fever event at the dna lounge so if you wanna support and meet great people see some great bands play this is the place you need to be and plus ill be there joining them so come support!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
its raining and sunny at the same time?? so it still raining and well i think ill post one of my favorite soups shrimp bisque. this recipe comes from a restaurant i worked at which is Chez Panisse it was a great place to work and the food was great. this is a real comfort soup warm welcoming type its a creamy soup and if you love shrimp this is the recipe for you.

Shrimp bisque :
-1 oz butter
-1 oz onion
-1 oz carrots
make sure you don't burn these three things together make sure they just sweet
-4 oz shrimp wt. 16 to 20 is 1 pound
put shrimp is a sautee pan to cook until just red then pull them out. take the shell off the shrimp then put the cooked shells in the back in the pot with butter onion etc. don't! put the shrimp in the pot leave out you add that last
-1 tbsp flour
-2 tbsp brandy
-1 tbsp tomato paste
-2 oz white sine
-3 cups of stock feumtee (fish stock)
-2 oz heavy cream
- salt and pepper for taste
thats all it is so first do what i said then add all the rest after the brandy is for deglaze the pot to get all the little flavors so after all this is added and cooked put the soup threw a strainer so its a nice cream soup then cut the cooked shrimp and add it in to final cook then put some croutons for the crunch and some chopped parsely and you good to go!! bon appetite!
so i woke up this morning from having a dream of eggs haha so i whipped me up a perfect omelette the key to keeping a omelette fluffy always use 3 eggs 1 tbsp of heavy cream some spices if you like and make sure to make a french omelette cook on low heat make sure when you put the eggs in you stir the eggs until it sets and you will have some fluffy eggs
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
so for dinner i made stuffed bell peppers and stuffed tomatoes with rice ground beef and pork mushrooms and celery,carrots,onions,garlic etc. and some love well ill post the recipe soon heres some pics them
this is what was all in the stuffed bell peppers and tomatoes without the rice yet
the bell peppers.
the tomatoes
so i learned how to make clam chowder by a great chef by the name of chef Glen Weilo who past away in 2008 thank you for everything and taking the time to teach me all you know.
first off well its going to be raining for the next 4 days and who doesn't love soup. everyone loves clam chower!!! yumm
servings for 3 people
Clam Chowder:
-1 tbsp clarified butter or if not regular butter
-2 oz. 2 wide slice of bacon diced
-4 oz. white onion small dice
-8 oz. red potato small dice
-1 1/2 cup of fumet or clam juice
-2 cups milk
-2 bayleaf , 1 spring thyme
-1/2 cup heavy cream
-1/2 cup chopped clams
-2 tbsp roux (melted butter combind with all purpose flour ) this is a thickener agent
-salt and pepper for taste
so first cook the first the solids like the bacon onions etc. add the liquids after the clam juice milk and cream ounce together let it sit for at least 5 mins let the flavors make love to each other then add the clams and the roux last and on top some fresh parsley and crackers and your done!! Bon Appetite
sorry for the blur there was to many people
dancing with bumble bee
creator of your little toys the homies