my family from hawaii taught this recipe and id have to say works good i kinda changed it add alittle lime in it. trust me this is a simple dish surve it with crackers or make sushi out of it.
simple recipe simple dish but my favorite.
-8 ounce tuna sashimi block, small dice
-1/8 tsp. hawaiian salt
-1/8 tsp. kukui nut
-1/2 tsp. brown sugar
-1 pinch chili flakes
-1 tsp. soy sauce
-1 tsp. oyster sauce
-1 tsp. green onion, chopped
-1 tblsp. onion, small dice
-1 tsp. garlic, chopped
-1 tblsp furukake spice
-1 tblsp. sesame oil
okay this part is hard read carefully first!!! put all in a metal mixing bowl then mix it now your ready to serve it. haha not hard at all but make sure you mix it the day you serve it one day use only.
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