so if you like scallops and bacon...hmmm well if your throwing a party try
this for a appetizer and if you never had a scallop you better make this!!
this is a super super easy recipe if you want to make it more just double it
serving: 5
-1 tbsp olive oil
-10 uncooked scallops, halved
-10 bacon strips
- tooth picks
-salt and pepper to season
-lemon wedges
wrap bacon over scallop and secure with a toothpick. coat with the oil s/p place it on a baking sheet or a broiler pan. cook it 6 mins on each side until bacon is crispy then squeeze lemon over each then serve immediately. see super easy!!!!but if you wanna get fancy try putting spinach around the scallop then the bacon thats also awsome i had so spinach so oh well but BON APPITTE!!!
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